Privacy Policy

Who We Are:

Healthy And Vital 

What Private Data We Keep and Why We Track It:


We have opted to disable comments on our posts, thus no information will be collected here.


Contact Forms:

When you reach out to us via our contact page, we will respond using the email address provided by you. Rest assured, this will not automatically subscribe you to any newsletters, nor will we share your details with any third parties.


We utilize cookies on select pages to monitor the effectiveness of our paid traffic from platforms like Facebook, Google, and others. This enables us to gauge user engagement and make informed decisions. Please note, we do not collect any personal information through this process, nor do we share our pixel data with third parties.

Logging In:

Upon logging in, we will set up several cookies to retain your login details and screen display preferences. Login cookies are valid for 2 days, while screen preference cookies remain active for 12 months. Opting to "Remember Me" will extend your login for a fortnight. Sign-in cookies are automatically deleted upon signing out. Additionally, editing or publishing an article will generate an additional cookie in your browser, containing only the post ID and expiring after 1 day.

Embedded Content from External Websites:

Posts on our website may feature embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles) from other websites, functioning similarly to if you visited those sites directly. These external sites may gather information about you, utilize cookies, incorporate additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interactions with embedded content, especially if you have an account and are logged in to those platforms.


Who We Share Your Data With:

We do not share information with third parties. However, we do deploy Facebook and/or Google pixels to evaluate the effectiveness of our paid advertising campaigns. This process does not provide us with any personal information but aids us in making data-driven decisions.

How Long We Retain Your Personal Information:

Comments and associated metadata are stored indefinitely to facilitate the automatic recognition and approval of follow-up comments. For registered users, we retain the personal data provided in their user profiles. All users have the ability to view, edit, or delete their personal information at any time, except for their username, which cannot be altered. Website administrators also have access to and can update this information.

Your Rights Over Your Data:

If you have a profile on our website or have previously left comments (currently disabled), you may request an exported file containing the personal data we hold about you, including any information you have provided. Furthermore, you can request the deletion of any personal information we hold about you, except where we are obligated to retain such data for administrative, legal, or security purposes.